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make money from home

How to make money at home Some call it working from home, also known as WFH, while others refer to it as home-based employment. Here are 20 ideas you might consider to make money at home:
1. Become a virtual assistant 
A virtual assistant (VA) provides clients with administrative services from a remote location, such as a home office. They handle various responsibilities for their clients, like making travel plans, performing online research, and checking emails. 

2. Pet sitting 
If you enjoy animals, you may consider pet sitting. This is a good way to earn money directly from your home by watching someone's pets at your home. Though, most sitters perform their duties at the pet owner's home. You may need to invest in marketing and insurance if you operate out of your own home. Further, you also might want to speak with an accountant and/or bookkeeper as well as a lawyer to discuss liability. 

3. Sell your possessions online 
Survey your home and look for items you no longer use, such as furniture, clothes, books, electronics, and toys your children have outgrown. You can then list those items on different e-commerce sites to find interested buyers. It's important to take clear, high-resolution photos of your pieces. Perform research online to find how much similar items sell for and then price your own items competitively. 

4. Tutor students online 
Leverage your experience in specific subjects or your SAT/ACT knowledge to offer online tutoring to students. Promote your services in area schools and find students who have a need for your services. You can apply to work only for established online tutoring services. 

5. Start a blog 
If there's a topic you're particularly interested in, you could start a blog and promote it on social media to attract an audience who wants to learn about that topic. If you draw a large enough audience with your blog, you can make money from advertising.

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